yoga ritual

a cup of tea with fertility

when worry invades the mind
and anxiety becomes unkind
with presence pour a cup of tea
to invite her in, goddess fertility

+ a tea selection of your choice
+ a cup or mug, some hot water
+ a comfortable seat
+ with pen and paper

1. Take time to brew some tea.

2. Find a comfortable seat.

3. Invite Fertility to join you.

4. Journal whatever arises.

This is a beautiful practice that I learnt in one of my yoga trainings. It allows us to sit in the discomfort of a worry or problem and to hear the inner wisdom. I enjoy the tea ceremony, but you can also perform this entire ritual in your mind’s eye. You don’t even have to sit or drink tea if you don’t want to. Another variation of this practice is “Walk with me…” Take a slow walk somewhere quiet and invite Fertility (or any Concern) to walk with you and see what comes up.

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