inhale, reaching for the sky exhale, bowing down to the sun inhale to the vibration of so exhale, hum Ingredients + intentions of growth + maybe in the garden +…
a grimoire of matrescence
to bring forth a life from the void the ultimate act of manifestation transforming thoughts into words for baby: memories of your creation Ingredients + a journal & pen +…
a cup of tea with fertility
when worry invades the mind and anxiety becomes unkind with presence pour a cup of tea to invite her in, goddess fertility Ingredients + a tea selection of your choice…
an offering to spirit baby
On a dark moon, gather soil and seed while leaving words of love on paper Some rose, nasturtium, perhaps lavender and with the elements, bury these Infusing earth with wind…
to overcome stress
from day one to day forty should you wish for company through the ups and downs of this cycle chant the four sacred syllables sa ta na ma, starting with…
in preparation for painful bleeding
when powerful sensations ascend find yoni mudra with your hands or in supine on bolster lay supported savasana at play tuning inward, your mind bare allowing deep breaths, soft belly…
for healing an ectopic pregnancy
when five days surgery past gather bolster, blanket and yoga mat near a wall stand, blood to steady light a candle to honour and grieve Ingredients + one yoga mat…