With all the woo-woo talk I’m constantly tossing around in this journal, sometimes I forget that baby-making is not completely ethereal. Quite the opposite: not only is it incredibly earthly…
scanning the body for unnecessary tension
Often during acupuncture treatment, I tend to tense up muscles without realising. This is especially true when I experience physical discomfort, or when I’m very deep in thought. But in…
musings on fertility acupuncture
The Three of Swords is one of my favourite cards (even the one with three swords slicing through a heart) and I especially enjoy this depiction from the Spacious Tarot.…
using your b.r.a.i.n. to make informed decisions
For the longest time I lived like the Eight of Swords. I never made my own decisions and was always persuaded by someone else to follow their (usually terrible) advice.…
a practice of sun charging
In my own understanding and interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I’ve come to view the womb as the cauldron of the earth. Just like in gardening, the soil or substrate…