when powerful sensations ascend find yoni mudra with your hands or in supine on bolster lay supported savasana at play tuning inward, your mind bare allowing deep breaths, soft belly…
returning to the islands
At the start of December, I had an opportunity to return to Hawaiʻi. When I visited Australia a few years ago, I experienced profound reverence and communion with nature for…
a practice of sun charging
In my own understanding and interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I’ve come to view the womb as the cauldron of the earth. Just like in gardening, the soil or substrate…
stepping into the dragon’s mouth
For me, fertility treatment (which I really want to rebrand as “fertility care” because the word treatment makes me cringe) often feels like this specific Eight of Swords from the…
the choice is of the soul
One cup for bloodwork and ultrasound. Another for urine test, AMH and SHG. A cup for bloodwork and ultrasound again. Then, one for medication. One for injection. A third cup…
for healing an ectopic pregnancy
when five days surgery past gather bolster, blanket and yoga mat near a wall stand, blood to steady light a candle to honour and grieve Ingredients + one yoga mat…
breathing through a sonohysterogram
A sonohysterogram is an ultrasound technique in which a small amount of saline solution is injected into the uterus, allowing us to see images of the uterus and its lining,…
what i am offering this year
Autumn reminds me that there is always an insufficient quality to life, even in the sweetest moments. In my youth, my father too spent many many hours teaching me to…
can you pass the unworthiness, please
I absolutely enjoy this very matter-of-fact depiction of the Ten of Pentacles, with the left hand basically saying, “Look, this is the recipe we have inherited for generations. You don’t…
how an ectopic feels
Leaving aside card meaning for a moment, I find very poignant the quiet violence that exists in these two illustrations. In the Body card, there is a sense that something…