yoga ritual

an offering to spirit baby

On a dark moon, gather soil and seed
while leaving words of love on paper
Some rose, nasturtium, perhaps lavender
and with the elements, bury these

Infusing earth with wind and sun and rain
and caring for seed to grow and bloom
Spirit baby shall receive this offering
in the earth womb, no waiting is in vain

+ a seed of choice (or more)
+ potting soil, a container if needed
+ some herbs for extra magic
+ a pencil and recycled paper
+ biodegradable is always better

Gather your material
A beautiful way to infuse your intentions with the grounding and nurturing energy of the earth is with gardening. In this simple ritual, I invite you to make an offering to your spirit baby by planting a seed. You will need one (or more) seed(s) of your choice. Some suggestions: coriander, marigold, nasturtium, or chamomile. If you have a backyard or a patch of earth with good sun, this is good enough. But if you live in a building, you can grow your plant in a pot with drainage holes by a sunny window. You can also gather some herbs to amplify your working. Finally, have a pencil and a piece of paper nearby to write your intentions.

Choose a time that feels right
The summer solstice or a new moon might sound auspicious, but any time that feels right to you is the right time for you. When you are ready, have your material nearby and take a moment to breathe as you arrive into your space. If you wish, light a candle or play some music to create a container. Or maybe you take a walk outside to connect with earth energy. Then, think about what you would say if your spirit baby were in front of you. Write this down and let yourself be creative (a letter, a poem, some lyrics, words of love, etc.).

Planting your seed
If you are using a pot, add some soil and place your love message inside. If you are using herbs, scatter them in as well. Fill the pot, make a hole, and plant your seed(s) as per the instructions. If you are planting this in your backyard, remember to place a marker to remember where you planted! Water enough to keep the soil moist. Keep an eye on your plant, nurture it, and give it a lot of attention and love.

Earth magic works slowly
Growing from seed takes time. If you’re usually not the gardening type, try to remember the elements: earth, water, fire, and air. Your plant will need good soil to thrive. It will also need frequent watering, good sun (or artificial lighting), and air circulation. And despite all your TLC, sometimes your seed might fail to sprout. That’s okay, not all seeds are created equal (there are some questionable ones at the dollar store). If this happens, keep the same set-up, and plant again in the same pot/backyard space.

On herbs: I like the combination of rose, Spanish lavender, and nasturtium. Roses have this motherly quality that is both protective (thorns) and persevering (perennial). They have a slow energy that is very grounding, because their roots run deep. Spanish lavender, on the other hand, is invigorating. It refreshes and reenergizes by breaking away stagnant energy. To me, it always screams, “Yes, let’s do this!” Finally, nasturtiums are generous and give a lot of themselves. The flowers are attached to the stems by an umbilical cord. Their crawling tendencies remind me to go outside of self-imposed boundaries… Just some of my personal observations from having grown these plants.

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