I’ve shared one IUI experience previously (over here) and this time I’d like to talk about my IVF story. It’s not meant to be a blueprint for your own procedure.…

With all the woo-woo talk I’m constantly tossing around in this journal, sometimes I forget that baby-making is not completely ethereal. Quite the opposite: not only is it incredibly earthly…

When I saw this empty tank at my mother’s house upon visiting her last Summer, I immediately knew that it belonged with me. I had been wanting to experiment with…

Summer has finally arrived here in the North. It’s an exciting and auspicious time that brings together the Summer Solstice, Litha, and the International Day of Yoga. But for me,…

inhale, reaching for the sky exhale, bowing down to the sun inhale to the vibration of so exhale, hum Ingredients + intentions of growth + maybe in the garden +…

I didn’t know how to express into words the following since the premise is an embodied felt-sense but here’s an attempt. Not so long ago I started to notice that…